Federal committee reviews special education challenges and next steps

A May 6 convening of the House Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee provided experts the opportunity to explain several steps Congress can take to help schools meet the needs of students with disabilities moving forward. The barriers to quality education for students with […]

May Budget Revision webinar highlights CSBA advocacy for budget season

Following Gov. Gavin Newsom’s presentation of the May Budget Revision, CEO & Executive Director Vernon M Billy and CSBA’s Governmental Relations team joined Michael Fine, CEO of the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team; Dr. Daryl Camp, superintendent, San Lorenzo Unified School District; and Brett […]

School boards in action: 5 questions with Claudine Jones, Carlsbad USD

In the midst of a global pandemic, local educational agency boards have continued working to support programs and initiatives that offer students the academic and social-emotional opportunities they need — no matter which mode of instruction they are in. CSBA’s 5 questions series gives board […]

May Revision boosts Prop 98 funding; concerns remain over long-term viability

Building off Wednesday’s preview of what education stakeholders can expect from the May Revision of the Governor’s budget, Gov. Gavin Newsom today offered further detail on what he called “The California for All Kids” plan, encompassing broadband for all — at school and at home, […]

State Board Report: Growth model, other long-term projects receive final approval

The State Board of Education’s virtual May 12–13 meeting overlapped with Gov. Gavin Newsom’s announcement that he was proposing $93.7 billion in Proposition 98 funding for 2021–22, with increases in spending on early learning, wraparound services, community schools, nutrition programs and extended learning opportunities in […]

Discrimination, lynchings, bullying and internment: The Asian American experiences that deserve our school’s attention

May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month – a national celebration of  the vibrant and diverse traditions and contributions of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans. This month comes at a pivotal time in the awareness and acknowledgement of the discrimination against Asian Americans in the […]

AB 1316 would make sweeping changes to charter school oversight requirements

By Kristin Lindgren The Legislature is once again contemplating charter school reform. In February 2021, Assembly Member Patrick O’Donnell, Chair of the Assembly’s Education Committee, introduced Assembly Bill 1316. AB 1316 contains significant reforms aimed charter schools and, particularly, nonclassroom-based charter schools. The bill, which […]

National civics education framework aims to engage a diverse student population

Educating for American Democracy recently launched “The Roadmap to Educating for American Democracy,” a cross-ideological framework developed by a large coalition of experts to enhance K-12 civics and history education to reflect the country’s diverse student population. Funded with $1.1 million from the National Endowment […]

Expanded learning opportunities event encourages ‘broader, bolder and smarter’ use of grant funds

California’s K-12 practitioners came together on May 5 for a daylong virtual event focused on how Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant funds, available through Assembly Bill 86, can be used to support student learning recovery and well-being. A collaborative effort by the California AfterSchool Network, California […]