Governor Gavin Newsom issues executive order setting expiration dates for previous COVID-19-related executive order provisions

Since Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency due to COVID-19 on March 4, 2020, he has issued more than 60 executive orders to address pandemic-related issues. Executive orders are issued by the Governor to require action by various state agencies and to order […]

School boards in action: 5 questions with Christina Lucero, Baldwin Park USD

The COVID-19 pandemic presented school boards with challenges they’ve met head on. CSBA’s 5 questions series gives board members a chance to share their LEAs’ accomplishments and look toward the future. Christina Lucero, board president, Baldwin Park Unified School District What was the most successful […]

CSBA charter school guidebook update available as an e-book

Charter schools are an important and significant part of today’s education landscape. More than 1,300 charter schools (including seven all-charter districts) serve nearly 630,000 students statewide — approximately 11 percent of all K-12 students in California. Governance teams have certain legal rights, responsibilities and obligations […]

Experts cite the need, potential pitfalls of federal broadband infrastructure plan

President Joe Biden’s recently proposed $2 trillion infrastructure plan makes significant investments in schools and students, including $100 billion to help expand broadband access in communities nationwide. The investment is a good start toward ensuring all students have internet access that will allow them to […]

CSBA files objection to Proposition 98 certification due to miscalculation of ERAF

CSBA filed a letter with the Department of Finance and the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on May 27, 2021, formally objecting to DOF’s certification of Proposition 98 for the 2019–20 budget year. CSBA’s objection is based on the ground that the certification underestimates the constitutionally […]

School boards in action: 5 questions with Tashon McKeithan, Culver City USD

In the midst of a global pandemic, local educational agency boards have continued working to support programs and initiatives that offer students the academic and social-emotional opportunities they need — no matter which mode of instruction they are in. CSBA’s 5 questions series gives board […]

CA Surgeon General leads national campaign to create awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences

California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris is leading a six-month national public information campaign about the negative physical and mental health impacts that Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can have. The campaign includes public service announcements as well as social media partnerships to be announced […]

States tackle student mental health needs through common policies

Mental health challenges among students have been deeply exacerbated by the pandemic, and many state and local policymakers have acknowledged a need to implement strong mental health services to better support children. Thus far in 2021, more than 200 bills in state legislatures that address […]